Eating in the dream is one of the most common dreams people have. Many people keep wondering ‘why do I eat in my dream? Could it be that I’m a witch? Or am I possessed with evil spirit?’ It can become worrisome especially when you encounter this dream frequently.
As a spiritual dream interpreter, a lot of people have shared with me various strange things they have seen themselves eating in their dreams. A lady once shared with me a strange dream that really shocked me till this day. It is one of the dreams I could never forget because it was terrifying to hear it. Thankfully, she gave me permission to share this dream to the spiritual benefit of others.
She newly immigrated to Sweden about 3 months prior to the dream and had just started attending a local church in the area. She related to me about how she was seeking a spiritual shelter in her new found location and finding her new church was an exciting experience. The leader of the church was an African like her and he was happy to have connected with her. For the subsequent months, he was her spiritual guide. He entrusted her with church activities which she gladly took on because of her love and passion for God but she was not prepared for what she was about to encounter.
After the Wednesday weekly meeting which was a prayer gathering for all singles, she went home and had her rest before diving deep into the dream she shared with me. In that dream, she was in the local church, right at the altar where the “man of God” was usually seated during service. Just after the worship ministers had finished singing the sonorous hymn “Amazing grace how sweet that sound…” the leader was invited to the altar to minister his sermon. To her surprise, as he got to the altar, he waved at her to come to the podium.
She reluctantly walked to the altar and knelt down in front of him. In her heart, she thought he was about to lay hands on her and impart her with the gift of vision and prophecy but before she could realise, the “man of God” forced his hands into her mouth, pushing something big, raw and hairy in her throat. “WHAT IS THIS” WHAT AM I EATING” WHAT IS GOING ON” As she struggled to chew, she quickly took note of the taste and discovered it was raw meat. The “man of God” simply said “eat this, it is a DONKEY’s PRIVATE PART!” And he started laughing in an evil manner. “A DONKEY’S PRIVATE PART??!!!” she asked and immediately, she woke up in hot sweat and fear. After hearing this dream, the Holy Spirit narrated the meaning to be simple; The man of God is trying to inflict her with the spirit of adultery. His niceness and gentility was just a ploy to have his way with her.
Immediately she screamed! She couldn't contain her composure and just started weeping. "Pastor, I have been struggling with uncontrollable sexual urges. I just want to grab the first man I see, I am so ashamed I can't even mention it to you" This was how she confessed and was delivered after a powerful spiritual intervention which we held for her.
Why You Eat in The Dream
Reflective Dream
Firstly, depending on what you see yourself eating, dream of frequently eating could indicate a warning message from God. Sometimes, eating in the dreams could be a Reflective dream. That is, you see yourself eating a meal you prepared during the day. It’s possible you made a deliciously spiced turkey and jolly rice or you had a yummy shawarma and pizza which you enjoyed during the day and your mind is simply reminded of the meal.
Your Spirit is Starved
Secondly, eating in the dream could also indicate that Your soul needs to be fed with spiritual meal (Knowledge) - It has become very easy for people to be overwhelmed with their busy daily life and completely forget God. In cases where you go 5 - 6 months or more without hearing the word of God or talking to God in prayer, your spirit becomes starved. When your spirit is starved from what I call “the spiritual meal” then you will surely have dreams where you see yourself eating. Read God’s word and get your heart connected to God. Just as you feed your body daily, your soul also needs to be fed daily. Study the spirit word and this will bring an end of eating in the dreams from spiritual starvation. In the next blog, I will share with you 5 things you must not eat in the dream based on what they indicate spiritually.
Warning of something negative
Lastly, eating in the dream could indicate a warning from God. When you find yourself consuming something bad, strange or disgusting, this message points to something negative that has probably entered your mind, body, or relation. You must take note around you. Is there any negative information you heard before you had that dream or any strange person suddenly appears din your life? That could be God telling you, BE CAREFUL! In the meantime, you can read on the 15 spiritual interpretations of eating in the dreams here

If you have troublesome dreams you would like to know the interpretations, schedule a ONE on One voice call session with me here

For busy people who have very little time to study the word of God, I recommend you download our Daily Fire. It is a daily devotional guide you can read in 2 minutes and pray with to fortify yourself spiritually for the day. You can download it for free to your devices by clicking here
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I love it this is very great to know and understand how God’s speak to me in my dreams,
I love it