Spiritual Interpretation of Having Sex in Dreams
by Dr. Paul S Joshua

This is another crucial dream you must not play with. If you are always having sex in dream, you have to be careful what you think about. The kinds of films you watch can also contribute to this, the talk you have with polluted friends can also affect your dreams.
However, the spiritual implication of having sex in dream is infliction with adulterous spirit and destiny exchange. Sleeping with an unknown person in the dream is a satanic scheme of transmitting the spirit of adultery to your soul, also to take over the power of your destiny and exchange with adultery like Samson in the Bible
10 Dreams & Meanings of Having Sex in Dreams
Dream of Having sex with Boyfriend & Pastor

Dream: "While having sex in dream, my pastor and my ex boyfriend were ejaculating on my body. Please, what could this mean?"
Interpretation: This is the spirit of sexual immorality and lust being projected by the enemy into your soul. You need to pray against the spirit of lust and adultery that wants to destroy your destiny and be cautious of the things you watch and listen to.
Check out these dreams:
Dream of Having Sex with My Sister-In-Law

Dream: "I am born again but I had a dream where I was having sex in dream with my sister-in-law, we were seriously making love but I am not close to her in reality. What does this mean?"
Interpretation: This dream is showing that the devil has infused lust in your heart towards your sister in-law and same genders and if you are not careful, you will carry out that act. You need to take precaution as to your closeness to her. If she is staying with you, you need to ask her to leave the house and get another place for her if you can.
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Dream of Having Sex with Strangers & Mad People

Dream: "I always have sex in dream with people I don't know including a mad woman. Please, what is the meaning of this incessant dream?"
Interpretation: This is a sign that you have a great destiny and the devil wants to destroy it by possessing you with the spirit of adultery in order to take away your power and drop your standard before God. It is an entry point for female and male goddess to possess you because as they have sex with you in the dream, they impart you with the spirit of lust.
Lastly, you having sex in dream with a mad woman is marking a covenant with the spirit of failure, frustration and depression as a result of this, nothing good can ever work in your life. You need to call on the name of Jesus Christ before going to bed every night.
Dream of Having Sex with Animals or Same Gender

Dream: "I see myself always having sex in dream with a dead person. What does this mean?"
Interpretation: when you see yourself making love with an animal in the dream, this shows that a curse has been placed on your life that will never allow you to get married except by God's intervention. (Deuteronomy 27:21)
Another dream is when you dream of having sex with the same gender frequently, this is another indication that you have been cursed to never have a successful relationship, you are under a marital curse (Leviticus 18:22-30)
Dream of Having Sex with a Dead Person

Dream: "I dream and see myself always having sex with a dead person. What does this mean?"
Interpretation: This is a renewal of an evil covenant with the spirit of failure, pain, hardship and frustration in order to ruin your glory and destiny. You need to pray and ask the Lord to destroy every evil spirit that wants to establish any evil covenant with you.
Dream of Having Sex with My Father

Dream: "I dream and see myself always having sex with my father. It is so disgusting to me, please help. What does this mean?"
Interpretation: This is a result of a dangerous marital curse placed on you. It might be from someone who was close to you that you offended but this dream implies marital curse. You will never be able to settle down if it is not broken. You will just experience sudden breakups in any relationship you have. You need to seek forgiveness from whoever you have offended to destroy the curse.
Dream of Having Sex with My Girlfriend

Dreaming of having sex with your girlfriend especially in the presence of a friend without being ashamed is a dream that means the devil wants you to be captive to the spirit of lust to the point that you become so shameless about it. It is not the plan of God for you to be addicted to sex to an end, you become useless and worthless, and the devil wants to rub you off your destiny, glory, and dignity, therefore ruining you and making your life vulnerable and shameful.
You must pray against any attempt to steal your destiny through sin, to inject the spirit of lust into you, or to make you shameless. You need to raise your voice against that and mind the kind of people you follow and also the kind of friends you keep and things you read to escape this temptation. You must stand against this dream, combat it, and say no to lust in your life so you can achieve the plan and purpose of God for you.
Dream of Having Sex with My Mother

Dream of sleeping with your mother, this dream in this context is revealing that the enemy wants to destroy you with the spirit of adultery which doesn’t have recognition and respect for levels. This means you will want to sleep with anyone regardless of their age, relationship to you or status. You need to be very careful so the devil does not pollute and lure you into an adulterous spirit where you won’t mind having sex with anyone. This is not the plan of God for your life. Pray the devil doesn’t contaminate your spiritual life and destroy your values through adultery.
Having sex in the dream frequently

When you are constantly having sex in the dream, it could mean you are captive to lust and you are losing critical values like your integrity, purity, and dignity. Once the devil wants to steal your values, he projects sex in the dream. You must pray against this and tell the devil, NO! You can’t take away my values.
This dream could also be tied to the spirit of setbacks. having sex in the dream could be interpreted as being connected to an evil spirit. When evil spirits want to connect with your soul, body, and mind, one of the avenues to create such a bond is through sex in the dream. You must break this spirit and pray powerfully so your body will not be a hub for the devil's evil missions. Don't allow your body to be used for sexual gratification.
Having sex in the dream could also mean that you are looking for love. This can happen sometimes when you feel lonely, you need to get married or have someone in your life. You may begin to have sexual dreams otherwise known as wet dreams.
It could be an indicator that it is time to find love. This can happen to us as Christians who serve God with all our hearts. The flesh is still the flesh. When you sleep and notice that somebody is making love with you or you might be making love with somebody in your dream, especially when you are alone and unmarried, you may have this dream showing that your spirit is yearning for true love.
Having sex in the dream with husband & strange man

Dream of having sex with your husband and another man means you have to pray against the spirit of unfaithfulness and infidelity. This is a sign that your heart is already shifting and the devil wants to plant unfaithfulness into you so that you might leave your husband for another man.
God instructs us to be loyal to our spouses but the devil hates good & godly relationships so he tries to plant seeds of unfaithfulness. Seeing yourself often having sex with your husband and another man together as a married person is a dangerous sign, take it up fervently in prayer or seek deliverance one-on-one to avoid your marriage getting shattered.
Having sex in the dream with unknown people

Dream of seeing yourself having sex with people you do not know can symbolize the spirit concubinage i.e having concubines. This means you will never be satisfied settling down with one woman. Sex is very powerful and having sex whether in the dream or in real life, invokes a covenant between two spirits and bodies. The process involves an exchange; something is leaving one person to another person.
The originality of your destiny could be adulterated through having sex dreams and this is detrimental to your life. You must ensure that you do everything possible to see that the yoke of adultery is broken in your life, otherwise even when you get married this can seriously affect your union because you are technically controlled by the spirit realm and you will still have strong desire and affection for other people outside your marriage.
Dreams carry messages that are specific to everyone. The message in your dreams would be relative to what God wants you to know. If you have any of these dreams, it is a sign you need to seek divine interpretation one-on-one. Do not generalize your dreams because your experience might not align with a general interpretation.
PRAYER POINTS AGAINST SEX IN THE DREAM (Text Guide Gen. 6:10, Eph. 6:11-18)
* Father, break every demonic covenant established with my blood through sex in my dream by the blood of Jesus Christ!
* I cast out every satanic deposit of adultery in my body by the power in the name of Jesus Christ!
• Let your fire burn all implant of sexual, inducement in my soul. Deliver me from the manipulation of the devil to steal my destiny, give me your grace to resist him in all my dreams.
* Every plan of the devil to destroy my marriage through sexual intercourse in my dream Father destroy. Let my affection for my husband or wife never be stolen, keep us together to the end in Jesus Christ's name.
* Every devil making love with me in the dream to delay or stop me from getting married, I crush you in the name of Jesus Christ. I disconnect from any "spiritual husband" by the blood of Jesus Christ!
(Back your prayer with fasting so you can triumph over this menace and God will break that yoke on you.)
Anywhere my semen has been taken, to exchange my destiny, I release fire! Fire!! Fire!!! Fireee!!! In the name of Jesus Christ
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