Common Spiritual Dreams & Interpretations
Dreams have many variations and it is never common. God speaks to every individual and although many people have similar dreams, the interpretation of one dream may completely differ from the other. Dreams are never obsolete and you have a duty to know the meaning of your dream by seeking a genuine spiritual dream interpreter to be able to interpret your dreams.
Here you will learn the diversity of "Common Dreams" people have and their Christian/Spiritual Interpretations. The messages in these dreams may be similar but the Interpretations are not so common.

Having Sex in Dream
The spiritual implication of sex in the dream is infliction with adulterous spirit and destiny exchange. Sleeping with an unknown person in the dream is a satanic scheme of transmitting the spirit of adultery to your soul. This can take the power of your destiny and exchange it with adultery. You remember Samson in the bible? Read Judges 16 2. The second interpretation of sex dreams is it indicates you battle with the spirit of loss. When you have this dream, you lose favours and blessings 3. Anyone you see in your dream that engages in sexual intercourse with you establishes an evil connection or covenant with your spirit. This means that anything negative from that person crosses over to you
Dreaming About Shoes
The Interpretation of seeing shoes in the dream comes are relative to the circumstance around the dream. Here are dreams about shoes and their spiritual interpretations. 1. Dream: "I had a dream I lost my shoes, I searched all over the house but could not find it." Spiritual Interpretation of shoe dream here: This indicates that you will escape losing a relation or a form of protection because the shoe stands for protection and relationship. You need to be prayerful and careful. 2. Dream: "I saw myself in the dream putting on a very muddy shoes that made everywhere dirty and I was very angry because I love my environment to be clean." Spiritual Interpretation of Shoe dream here: this means that you have attached yourself to a wrong relationship that is corrupting your moral value. You need to check your circle and get rid of the bad eggs. 3. Dream: "I saw myself well dressed walking in a beautiful mall barefooted and I held my shoes in my hands. What is the meaning of this dream?" Spiritual Interpretation of Shoe dreams here: this means you are planted and surrounded in a place of great opportunities but you are not using it well. There are so many opportunities for financial increase but you are not paying attention. If you will like Dr. Paul S Joshua to interpret your dreams one on one, send your dreams through the contact page.

Dream of Pregnancy/Babies
The spiritual dream interpretation of being pregnant or giving birth are in different contexts. First, if you give birth or are pregnant with a healthy baby then this dream means God is assuring you, you will give birth to great ideas that will produce wealth in your life & family. This might be to encourage you if you're going through financial difficulties and guide you to build your skills. 2. If the baby is defective or disabled, your dream is showing you that there is a satanic plot against you having children. It could also indicate a forthcoming battle with fibroid, still-birth or miscarriages. Do not be discouraged! Keep on praying and God in his inifinite mercy will deliver you! Pray the prayers in the prayer section if you have this dream.
Dream of Seeing Money
Have you been seeing money frequently in your dream? I know how you feel when you see money in your dream. You jump up from your dream and wish the money is by your side. This is one of the dreams that fascinate people most. When you see money in dream, it means financial favour for God's children. That's good and you may be correct but not always. Do you know seeing money in dreams could also depict infliction of stealing spirit in you by the devil? If the devil wants to capture you with the love of money which produce stealing or robbery spirit, he starts from the dream. When you are always dreaming of money, the next thing is, you develop a crazy passion for money and start stealing! Use the prayers in my dream guide to shatter such.

Dream of Seeing your Ex
This does not always mean you should run back to your ex! because seeing your Ex boyfriend/girlfriend in your dream could indicate a scheme from the devil to bring to your remembrance, all your past failures and missed opportunities in order to stop you from moving forward and being happy. Alternatively, the dream interpretation of seeing your ex could be good. Read this dream shared with me, "I had a dream where I saw my ex, he came to show me a very beautiful apartment that he bought for me. We have been seperated for over five years, why do I have such dream?" In this context, it means that God is going to bring another person that will be a blessing to you more than the previous person. As a child of God, you need to bear in mind that He always has a better person for you. God can use seeing your ex in dream to guide you from making regrettable mistakes
Dreaming of Snakes
Contrary to popular beliefs, snake dreams are not only a sign of demons. Snake in dream can also represent something good. However, if you are bitten by snakes, this dream represent demonic attacks or betrayals coming for you. Either the devil wants to attack your life or someone close to you is about to betray you. Seeing snakes around you represents domestic adversaries. That is, enemies within. Snake dream is a warning signal that there are enemies within your reach that may likely hurt you if you don't pray against them. The dream will be relative to how it is revealed to you, but what I want you to bear in mind is, whenever you see a snake in your dream, pray against any subtle enemy around your life for God's fire to expose them. They are people you will never suspect planning to hurt or attack you, all I recommend is that you pray to God to protect you from them. For Positive dream meaning of snakes based on their colour and disposition, click watch video

Dream Meaning of Driving
There are several contexts to explain the spiritual meaning of driving dreams but here are four(4) spiritual interpretations based on dreams commonly received; 1. Dream: "I dreamt I was driving a car then another car crashed into me from behind. I lost the track, stopped driving and came down very furious. I didn't continue driving till I woke up. What driving in dreams mean here - God is trying to tell you that the devil is planting someone to distract you from your life goals. 2. Dream: "I had a dream where I kept driving forward but the car kept going backward." What driving in the dream means here - This implies waste of effort. That is, putting in efforts with no result to show for it. This could also mean that you are in the wrong place or with the wrong people. You need to take a decision to change where you are or the people around you. 3. Dream of Driving: "I was driving my business van for delivery when suddenly a lorry came from nowhere and collided with my van. My van and all the goods got damaged but I came out unharmed. I came down furious but the lorry driver was a teenager and he looked unbothered. What could this dream imply?" What driving in the dream means here - it is informing you that a new and young competitor is coming into the business you are in. He has great ideas that might take you out of business so you need to brace up and quickly come up with strategies that will stand any competitor.
Dream of Seeing a Prophet
Have you been seeing a prophet or pastor you know frequently in your dream engaging in weird things? You might see the prophet in your dream dressed in a black or red robe. When you have dreams about a prophet you know wearing a black or red robe, This could be God revealing to you that the so-called man of God is an agent of darkness. Be cautious

Dream of Stooling in the Toilet
Stooling in the dreams may appear disgusting but they hold powerful messages. Here are four (4) dreams about being in the toilet and their spiritual interpretations according to their contexts. 1. When you see yourself in the dream stooling in the toilet, a very hard stool that is difficult to force out, it implies that God is removing negative thoughts, people, or situations from your life that may be hard for you to deal with if it remains in you. This is one of the spiritual interpretaion of seeing yourself stooling. 2. When you see yourself cleaning strong stool (feaces) in the dream on a surface of your house, the meaning of this dream is that God is using you to remove the bad reputation of your family. It is possible that someone has been spreading lies about your family and God wants you to remove that stigma. 3. Seeing yourself stooling in public in front of people while they laugh at you. This dream means you must guard you steps. Guide against anything that will ridicule you and make you a subject of mockery. 4. Dream of Seeing human stool on the wall of your house: The spiritual interpretation of this is criticism. People will talk and gossip negatively about you. In this case, stool on your house reveals a plan to dent your image so pray against this
Dream of Seeing Celebrities
It is very common to have dreams of seeing celebrities or Great personalities. Either talking with them or receiving something from them. The interpretation to these dreams are based on the circumstances in which you see them. I will share a few of these dreams and The spiritual interpretations of seeing celebrities/Great Personalities; 1. Dream: "A celebrity gave me a gift of shoe and wristwatch" The spiritual interpretation of this dream: This does not necessarily mean the celebrity will give you an actual shoe or wristwatch but the shoe represents the steps you must take to be great in life should match the steps that celebrity took in life to be as great as he/she is. Be diligent, hardworking and you will be great. While the wristwatch represents patience. If you remain patient, you will get to that level. 2. Dream of seeing a celebrity: "I was performing with a celebrity at a concert but suddenly the lights went off and people started to leave." The spiritual dream meaning of seeing a celebrity: This dream is quite sensitive. You need to be careful with pride. The Lord will start to increase your wealth but as long as you consistently give him the glory for His works. The moment you begin to claim the glory and ignore God's hand in your achievements, you will suddenly crash. This is a warning dream so take note. If you will like to share your dreams and receive the spiritual interpretation, connect with me on my YouTube channel or send a message using the Contact Page

Seeing Fire in your Dreams
Having dreams about fire either burning something you own or simply burning around you. Here are three meanings or interpretations of fire in your dream; Dream: "I am currently based in London but I had a dream of fire burning my house back in Africa. I was able to rescue them from the burning house. When I woke up, I prayed against any attack on my family house" The Spiritual meaning of fire in this dream: This dream here does not mean your family will be attacked. Rather the spiritual interpretation signifies Poverty. There will be intense poverty in the country your family are currently based and God is raising you to rescue them from the tough economy. You need to Invest for your family to be financially prepared to avoid poverty eating through them. 2. Dream: "I saw fire burning on both my palms but my skin were not burned" The interpretation of fire dream here: This means God is putting supernatural ability for creativity on your hands. You might be skilled in crafts but the interpretation here means you are blessed with creative hands. 3. Dream: "I saw my late father trying to throw me into a scary burning fire, we were not on bad times while he was alive so it was so sad as I tried to fight him off" Interpretation of fire dreams here: The face of your father here is simply an image. This dream signifies that you are going through tough times that is making you want to compromise. Whatever you are going through, you must persist. If you compromise, your life will become more difficult. This challenge is for a short time. If you want your dreams to be interpreted, send us a message via the contact page.
Dream of Vomiting
When you dream of vomiting, the Lord could be revealing to you that someone is planning provoke you and you will be tempted to speak profane words or harsh words against that person, be careful and hold yourself. There will be something you might say that will put you in trouble if you speak recklessly so guide your moouth. Be extremely vigilant and practice calmness once you have this dream. Once you have a dream, it is your responsibility to know the interpretation of your dream from a genuine dream interpreter. Seek christian dream interpretations that will help you avoid terrible situations like the dream interpreted above.

Dream of Seeing/Picking Snails
It is important to be reminded that not all snail dreams indicates your life will be slow or your progress will be slow. Dreams are very dynamic. One of the spiritual meaning of seeing or picking snails in your dreams in the context of this dream shared here; 1. Dream: "I had a dream where I wanted to cook with assorted meat and I was excited suddenly, I saw some snails in the kitchen and I began to pick them and they became so many" Dream meaning of picking snails here signifies that you are trying to do something but the pattern or steps that is required to get that thing done might be different from what you plan. God is redirecting your steps to the best pattern to use. 2. When you pick snails in your dream, it could be God alerting you of an incoming favour. 3. When you see big snails around you, it could also be God telling you there are abundance of opportunities around you.
Dream of Seeing People Fighting
DREAM: "I had a dream where I saw myself at a familiar T-junction in my old neighborhood and there was a lot of fighting going on there. I ran to go get a candle and matches then returned to fight Spiritual Interpretation of Seeing people Fighting based on this dream: This dream is telling you that you will need to ignite the fire of God within you because there are a lot of battles ahead. There are a lot of issues going on in your family and you will need the help of God to handle those issues. Take your prayer life more seriously so you can be spiritually fortified.

Dreaming of Worms
The Spiritual interpretation of seeing worms in your dreams based on the contexts of these two (2) dreams: 1. DREAM; "I went to pee and I saw lots of worms in my urine. The interpretation of worm dreams here: you have just been delivered from sexual impurity and bad relationship. God has delivered you from bad habits and addiction that you have been struggling to let go of. 2. DREAM: I had a dream where I was reading my Bible, then suddenly worms started coming out of the pages. Spiritual interpretaion of worm dreams here: what God is showing you here is the power of his word. The word of God is so powerful that once you study it, all the worms in your life will be evacuated. Worms here means every evil and negative thing that isn’t from God. As you are connected with God, some bad attributes you inhabit will begin to leave you. That is God's way of cleansing you.
Meaning Eating In Dream
Eating in the dream does not make you a witch or mean you are possessed as some people think. The spiritual meaning of eating dreams can depend on what you are eating. Here are three (3) interpretations of eating in the dream: 1. Your spirit needs to be fed. Just like your body needs food for nourishment, your spirit needs the word of God. You are starving spiritually, either because you haven't talked to God as often as you should or you are living in sin. 2. A great favour is coming for you. Food is good and so in some cases, it can mean God is preparing to bless you with a great favour. 3. Eating a snake in the dream could depict two things, it's either you are feeding negativity into your system or you are allowing someone else to feed you with negative words which is affecting your life.

Dream of Seeing Bees
In this case, the spiritual meaning of seeing bees all over your ears indicates that there is a lot of controversial issues surrounding you and people are trying to whisper things in his ears, meaning, they are trying to deceive you so you need to be careful of who you are listening to for advice and be careful of the things you get involved with.
Dream of Seeing Moon & Stars
Anyone who has this dream should celebrate because it is a good one! The spiritual meaning of seeing moon here signifies Good news is coming for you. The Almighty God wants to do a great miracle in your life and this miracle will open doors to many other great things in your life. Celebrate in advance! Whatever Favour you are expecting is yours!

Going Out without Shoes Dreams
1. The interpretation of this dream is clear: Get yourself prepared for the next level because you have been asking God to promote you. God wants to take you to the next level of your life but you need to be ready. Here is another spiritual interpretation of Barefoot Dream Dream: "Sir, I saw that I was putting on my shoes and suddenly found out that the shoes were taken off my legs and I was walking bare footed and I woke up. What is the meaning of that?" The Dream meaning here for being without shoes (barefoot): Interpretation: If you are married, you will need to pray for your husband so the devil will not take him away. Pray also against losing your spiritual and matrimonial peace. Any crisis the devil is planning to use to rock your marriage will fail in Jesus name. (Check Eph. 6:15)
Dream of Picking Fruits
This is such a wonderful dream especially when you see yourself picking good, large and beautiful fruits. It means you have a great destiny and you will reap the fruits of your labour. The dream meaning may seem casual but once you have this dream, you must take steps of progress by Faith and you will see a sudden gush of God's blessings in all you do.