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Fishing Village

10 Spiritual Interpretations to Dream of Village/Old House

When you constantly see yourself in the village when you are not thinking about it, This is the spirit of ancestral invitation or curse indicating a problem in your root. This is a clear invitation to poverty and setback especially if you always experience this dream whenever you are about to embark on a major project and as soon as you have this dream, the project never goes through. This is a clear sign that a spirit from your root is fighting you and trying to frustrate your life.  Below are 10 most frightening spiritual interpretations to dream of village


Farming Leafy Greens

Dream Of Working in my Village

Dream: "Elvis from US, I saw myself with some other people I knew back in the village in my late uncle's farm working rigorously with our legs chained. Please sir, I need help with this dream.


Interpretation: This dream shows that your destiny is being used by someone. The implication of this is that you will be labouring but every positive reward or result you get will be transferred to whosoever is using your destiny. You need to take this up in prayer to break that demonic connection


Dream of Walking Naked in my Village

Dream: "Aneka from GuadalupeI live abroad in the UK, but I have this recurrent dream of seeing myself in my village walking naked and people keep running away from me because they think I am a lunatic. What is the meaning of this dream?"


InterpretationThis dream is revealing the plot of the enemy against your career. The aim is to frustrate you and your career to the point where you get depressed and return to your country without achieving anything. You need to pray against any evil  force working against your career in order to render you useless. 

Salt Farm Workers


Dream of Cutting Tree in My Village

Man with Snickers on top of a Tree Stump

Dream: "I dreamt I was called to my father's village and given a cutlass to cut a tree. There were many people that gathered around looking like masquerades. They all stood and watched while I cut the three and none of them came to help me as I struggled to cut down the tree alone. What could this mean?"


InterpretationThis dream is pre-informing you that there will be a gang up against your father's house. The goal of this evil plot is to bring quarrel, hatred and division in the family in order to scatter the unity that has existed in the family. Your effort will not be able to stop it so you need to pray against any evil plan of the enemy to destroy your fathers house. 


Dream of a Dirty Village House

Dream: "Joanna from Mexico, I dreamt and saw myself in my village back in Izamal, as I walked into the room of our house, I saw that it was so dirty, stinking and filled with rats. What could this mean?"


Interpretation: This dream is showing you that evil has taken over your family and this might be as a result of your absence. Your family might have left the right path which is the way of the Lord, most likely because you left them they have begun acting recklessly and waywardly in sin. You need to pray for them, advise them and monitor the spiritual growth of your family.

Broken Sink


Clothes for Charity

Dream of Sharing Clothes in My Village

Dream: "Rebeca from Zambia, I always dream and see myself sharing clothes and other things to people in my village. Why do I always have this dream?"


Interpretation: This is an amazing dream Rebeca, it means God has destined you to be a source of hope and life to many people and this is Him telling you to reach out to the vulnerable people around you and lend a helping hand in any way you can. You are a blessing


Dream of Sitting By a Snake in the Village

Dream: "Simponi from UK. I had a dream where my siblings and I were in the village and an old man asked us to sit around a python snake, I tried to kill the snake but it came around and ran into the house. Please, what does this dream mean?"


Interpretation: This dream means that you and your siblings are being targeted. You have been assigned to deliver and rescue your siblings from every satanic influence up on your family. Your family have been under a satanic influence because someone has planted hatred in your family. You must make sure to combat that spirit and defeat it and ensure to seek the face of God as he bring your family to victory.





Men Hunting with Dogs

Dream of Frequently Being in the Village

Dream: "Rose from Germany I frequently see myself in the village even if I'm not thinking of it or it has been a long time since I visited. Why is this happening?"


Interpretation: This is the spirit of ancestral invitation or curse indicating a problem in your root. This is a clear invitation to poverty and setback especially if you always experience this dream whenever you are about to embark on a major project and as soon as you have this dream, the project never goes through. This is a clear sign that a spirit from your root is fighting you and trying to frustrate your life. 


Dream of my Village house Taken From me

Dream: "Nora from Germany. I had this dream about two years ago, I built this uncompleted house in my village, but in this dream it's a new building uncompleted on a plot that is not mine. And this lady appeared and asked me to take it off, what does this dream mean?"


Interpretation: This is a sign that someone is trying to frustrate your efforts. Someone will attempt to legally repossess a property that belongs to you. God is alerting you to be prepared and make sure all your properties are legally yours. If you back it up with prayers, that person's plan will fail. Nobody will drag your possessions away Nora. 

House in Guinea Bissau


Man and Cat

Dream of Old Man in My Village

Dream: "My name is Bright Anyanwu​ from Nigeria, hello sir, I had a dream where an old man in my village gave me a green grass which he got from the roof of a house in the village and told me to go and prosper."


Interpretation: Bright your dream is an indication of supernatural empowerment for success. It is an impartation for progress. I see you've been struggling in your business I'm sure, So go and use the gift God has just given you to prosper.


Dream of Being In my Village Turning to Hell Fire

Dream: "My name is Happiness and I'm from Spain. I had a dream where I was in a deserted village. I saw a house and I knocked at the door and a man in white garments who had long white hair opened the door and told me to come in. Inside the house was very dark and I heard people crying. I told the man that I wanted to leave but the man told me that there’s a purpose for my being here. That’s when I realised that I was in hell."


Interpretation: I believe that God took you to hell itself in your dream so that you could believe in it and preach it to the world. You need to alert the world of hell and the judgement for living sinful life. You also need to pray for the grace to live a holy life so that at the end you will not be a cast away."

Forest Fire



• Father, fight for me, give me and take me back to all my possession that was taken from me by my oppressors. Give me the opportunity again Oh Lord, get my lost favour back so I can fight against my oppressors.


• I crush every spirit of untimely death in my family, your end is here and you will never succeed on us again, we are insured in the blood of Jesus Christ!


Shout I am victorious by the blood of Jesus Christ 7 x


Repeat with faith for 3 nights 

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