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Warning Dreams You Must Not Play With

3. Dreams That Shows Your Destiny Has Been Stolen

I call this operation the HAMANIC SPIRIT - Haman stole Mordecai's destiny by claiming his glory and attempting to steal his reward. (we see this in Esther 3)

One of the evidence of a stolen destiny is fruitless labour. You work diligently and faithfully yet you never experience progress yourself, instead your rewards are spiritually transferred to whoever has siphoned your destiny. This is DANGEROUS! These dreams and their spiritual interpretations are a few clues alerting you of this operation of the wicked.


The identity of someone using your destiny can be revealed to you in your dreams and you can detect and destroy their spiritual operation by knowing the spiritual interpretation.

Dream of Seeing your Legs Chained

"I saw myself with some fellow I knew back in the village in my late uncle's farm working rigorously with our legs chained. I need help with this."


Spiritual Interpretation

This dream meaning here shows that your destiny is being used by someone and it could most likely be someone in your extended or nuclear family. Not necessarily the family member you saw but a member of your household. You have to pray against this dream because it shows that you will be laboring but the results will be going to whosoever is using your destiny.


chained demon

Dream of Seeing your Blood Taken

"I saw my boss in a dream, he drew out my blood with a syringe and injected it into a big loaf of bread and immediately, my hand turned black. What could this mean? ."


Spiritual Interpretation of Seeing Your Blood Taken

This dream shows that your boss is extracting your glory. He/she has been using your destiny to grow his own business. I recommend 7 days of intense midnight prayers to counteract this operation or else you will completely lose your value


Blood bags

Dream of Seeing Your Hair Shaved

"I saw a lady friend of mine shave all my hair and fixed it on her head. Can you help me out with this dream Sir?"


Spiritual Interpretation of Seeing Your Hair Shaved

Your hair as a woman signifies your glory so this is an indication so your glory has been transferred to that person. People look at you and can't explain why they dislike you but spiritually, there is a switch of your faces with whoever has taken your destiny You need to pray against this evil act or else, you will never get any good result in your life. 


Hair cut

Other Dreams Indicating Stolen Destiny 

  1. When someone you know or don't know takes away your shoe, this is a spiritual indication of a swap. Every step you take, the rewards will be swapped to someone else. You have to pray to recover your destiny

  2. ​If someone comes to steal your picture or document in the dream, it is an indicator that someone has stolen your destiny. 

  3. When you dream and see that you are holding a key or bunch of key and someone comes to take it away from you, this is a pointer that your destiny has been stolen because keys can also represent your destiny in the dream. 


I need you to say this prayer in agreement with me. O Lord, whoever has stolen my destiny or is attempting to steal my destiny let your judgement fall on such people. 

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