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10 Animals with dangerous Spiritual Meanings in your Dreams

Writer's picture: Paul S JoshuaPaul S Joshua


a collage of snake, rat, goat, lion, locust, pig, peacock, dogn, from and snail

Ten Animals in the dream with dangerous meanings

It’s common to see animals in your dreams but these 10 animals carry a dangerous spiritual meaning. If you don’t uncover and pray against them, it could ruin your life. Whether you dream of them chasing you, biting you, beating you, playing with you, or even having sex with you, In the realm of the spirit, animals represent a significant message. Both positive and negative, however, we will focus on the Negative implications of these animals in your dream. 

Pay attention to these animals when you see them in your dreams and discover why they are so dangerous spiritually.

The spiritual meaning of animals in dreams

green snake

Snakes in the dream represent the presence of a witch or witches around you.  This can be an alarming signal that someone within your family, outside your immediate environment, or within your church could be a witch. Different colours of snakes signify different things. Snakes in the dream do not only have negative spiritual meanings, there are some instances where snakes represent something positive. For instance, seeing a green snake could represent prosperity in your life. Read in detail about the positive meaning of snakes in the dream.


two mice eating cheese

Rats are one animal that represents poverty. A rat is a smart animal; yet poor and in constant lack. Some people are poor spiritually, financially, and mentally because they constantly dream of rats. When you see yourself killing rats in the dream, it means that your poverty is over in your life. A lady once shared with me how she saw herself eating rats in a dream and this was truly concerning for her, immediately, God told me that the dream had to do with her close circle of friends. She was taking wrong advice from her close circle that was about to lead her into poverty. She acknowledged immediately she had confided in her friend about a business. This is how God speaks.



 When you see a goat in your dream, I don’t mean the one where you see yourself preparing the goat for grilled barbecue. A goat in the dream realm represents the spirit of lust. It is known as an animal consumed with the spirit of lust. Nothing can stop a goat when it is sexually aroused, and it is constantly aroused; they seek to satisfy their urge for sexual gratification. Once you dream of seeing a goat, you must immediately pray against the spirit of lust. 


lion with mouth open

When you see a lion in your dream, it can symbolize many things depending on the context of the dream; a lion can signify a negative barrier to success. One thing you should bear in mind when you dream about seeing a lion is that you might be consumed with the spirit of wrath and vengeance. Remember the bible says vengeance is of the Lord. When you become so engrossed with anger that you cannot hold yourself back, the demon of anger can come in the face of a lion. As a dedicated child of God, you must not succumb to this spirit as it can hinder you from moving forward. 



Dream of seeing locusts typify destruction, it doesn’t allow progress in your life. Seeing a swarm of locusts can be a warning that there is a spirit of destruction you should watch out for. Locusts are also compared to terrorists because the interest of terrorists is destruction. Locusts all over your body in the dream might be God warning you, about a destructive spirit that can follow you and hinder progress.



Pig signifies the spirit of gluttony. Pigs depict the spirit that eats everything and anything. Gluttons never go far in life thus bringing about stagnation and hinderances. People who see Pigs in their dreams can eat everything, and hardly make any investments.



A peacock with all its distinguishing parade of colours has a barrier which is pride. When one is prideful because of their abilities and achievements, this is a road map to downfall. A peacock with all its beauty cannot fly for more than a mile, instead of the peacock to fly like other birds it walks mainly on foot scavaging for its food. When you dream and you see a peacock, God might be using your dream to communicate something to you which is pride and this might limit your progress. 



Dream of seeing a dog could mean a lot of things which can all be attributed to the circumstances surrounding your dream. Dogs can symbolize people, friends, or even enemies around you. Dog bites can mean sicknesses and diseases, it could also mean betrayal from a trusted friend. When a dog is chasing you it could mean criticism and demonic assault against your soul. Do not be alarmed as you have got a weapon which is the word of God, pray with Psalm 22:19.



The dream of seeing a toad or frog can be attributed to selfishness, greed, and stealing. The spirit of greed is a spirit you must be aware of, and consciously try everything to stop and avoid being overcome by it. Seeing a frog in your dream is a way of God trying to warn you against the spirit of greed. How to know if you are greedy is when you find it hard to share and give to others, people hardly benefit from you and this can lead to a curse on your life. God blesses us so we can be a blessing to people but greed hinders this law. Take note.


Snails in your dream are not a good sign, I’m not talking about seeing your favourite peppered snail, rather I’m talking about a dream of seeing a living snail on your hands, legs, or body. It symbolizes the spirit of laziness and sluggishness. These spirits are STRONG KILLERS of progress in life. No one wants to favour a lazy person hence, you lose great opportunities if you are lazy. God is trying to speak to you to stop being lazy and sluggish in your dealings. 


Dream of snake - represents the presence of witches around you, incoming betrayal

Dream of Rats - the spirit of poverty and constant lack

Dream of Goats - the spirit of lust and adultery

Dream of Lions - spirit of aggression (extreme anger)

Dream of Locust - the spirit of destruction

Dream of Pigs - the spirit of gluttony (eats everything up)

Dream of Peacock - Spirit of pride (arrogance)

Dream of dog - sickness and incoming betrayal from a close friend

Dream of frog - the spirit of selfishness, greed, and stealing

Dream of Snail - the spirit of laziness and sluggishness


Dreams carry messages that are specific to everyone. The message in your dreams would be relative to what God wants you to know. If you have any of these dreams, it is a sign you need to seek divine interpretation one-on-one. Do not generalize your dreams because your experience might not align with a general interpretation.

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